
Rundumpack AG, a long-established company in the packaging machinery industry, is confronted with a negative trend in employee retention (significantly increased fluctuation), a difficult market development for the company and a lack of digital skills.

The management does not quite know how to deal with this situation. They see the most potential in employee retention and development. As a first step, it calls in vE Business Empowerment to carry out an L&D assessment.


The assessment shows that the company is inadequately positioned with regard to the various L&D aspects. There is an HR specialist working in the company who primarily deals with new hires and departures as well as social security issues. There are hardly any resources available for employee retention and development.


The vE Business Empowerment team works with the management of Rundumpack AG to develop a customized solution. This includes the identification and coaching of talents or support in the digital transformation through training and workshops. A controlling system was set up to monitor the impact of the various L&D measures. The experience gained with vE Business Empowerment ultimately led to the entire L&D process being outsourced.


Rundumpack AG is optimally prepared for the digital future, operates more effectively in the market and continues its success story with motivated employees.

Target Group


HR Professional


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